Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

FatLoser is movin’ on up!

May 30, 2008

That’s right! I am actually in talks with an [apparently — self-described] well-known advertising firm out of California to do a commercial! More details as we get things nailed out. They’re not 100% sure on this yet, they just said they wanted to get my information in the event that they have something that would fit for me in the future. They apparently do a LOT of stuff at a time, so even though there is nothing available right now, they said it’s quite possible that they may give me a call in the next month or two. They weren’t very keen on the ideas I pitched them, but they said they do some work with clothing stores for plus-sized people, and that that’s the type of role they could see me in. We’ll see!

As I put on my resume I am most interested in doing feel-good Jared from Subway type work. But rather than be a fat sellout like him, I would like to advertise my weight issues in a comforting, consoling way. I want to help marketers reach other fat people, and sell them products to make them feel better about their lives.

I’m sure you’ve all seen those Weight Watcher commercials or even some beauty product commercials where they have women who are considered “plus size”, but who really only weight maybe 20-30 lbs over their ideal. That’s bullshit.

My ultimate goal is to be in a Wendy’s commercial. I would like to describe the commercial I envision in my daydreams:

Scene: I am perched behind the counter of a Wendy’s restaurant, taking orders from a gaggle of giggling cheerleaders. In the background you can hear Bon Jovi’s song Bad Medicine playing quietly. As the cheerleaders approach the counter the camera pans over to my fat face and it quickly turns a deep shade of scarlet.

Me: I look shy and my voice cracks as I croak, “What can I get you ladies?”

Scene: The lead-in to the chorus of the song starts playing… and it starts to get a little louder.

First cheerleader: In a ditsy, stereotypical voice, “I’ll have an… ummm…. Frosty.”

Me: My hands shake visibly and I hit the wrong button on the register. “FUCK”, I blurt out. (bleeped of course)

Scene: The music comes to a complete halt and does that “ZZZZIP” sound like when somebody pulls the needle off of a record.  Everybody’s face turns to me and there is a collective gasp.  You see a mother covering her child’s ears and giving me a disapproving look.  There is dead silence for at least 3-4 seconds… nobody moves.

Second cheerleader: In a man’s voice, because she is a t-girl, “Hey baby, that sounds like a good idea; I’ll have some of that.”

Scene: The chorus immediately begins, and it’s blaring now.  The Second cheerleader rips my shirt open and it momentarily goes into slow-motion as the buttons go flying as my flabby breasts flop out. There are teeth marks and hickeys on my breasts, and a tattoo of Batman touching his ass with one finger and a voice bubble above him that says, “ssssshhhhh” — like the sound water makes when it touches something hot and quickly evaporates. I want a closeup of my chest here and I want the sizzling noise to actually be made. I want some CGI used so that the Batman figure moves around a little as my breasts jiggle.

Second cheerleader: Winks at me as the chorus is even louder now, and she starts shaking her hips around and hops over the counter and grabs onto me like a little monkey grabs onto its mother, with her arms wrapped around my neck.  I lean in and open my mouth in such an awkward way that it’s apparent I’ve never kissed anybody before (think Liza Minnelli and David Gest or Michael Jackson and Lisa Presley).

Scene: What was originally a frightened, shy look, turns to a grin as the screen does one of those flipping things where it changes to the next scene (horizontal). All you see is me on my king sized bed with a sheet covering my butt, and all the cheerleaders’ faces visible below me in the bed (the camera has panned from being under me and looking up at my grin, to being over my shoulder and looking down at the cheerleaders’ faces on either side of my head).

The camera then does a profile shot of me and shows me gasping for breath, then my hand appears and I am eating a 1 LB Wendy’s Quadruple Bacon burger (which is being revealed for the first time in this ad). I eat the burger and get sauce all over my face, then turn to the camera and grin.


If I saw a fat man getting laid by a bunch of cheerleaders, I swear to god I would buy food at that place. Imagine how many people who are fat would also do the same thing. I know this is not “network friendly” but I think it would make a great viral advertisement. Wendy’s can even disassociate themselves with it by hiring an intermediary company to make an “unauthorized” commercial. I think of Dave Thomas as my friend, and if I got to be in a Wendy’s commercial I would consider my life fulfilled.

Robert Earl Hughes, one of the most fascinating people who ever lived

May 30, 2008

then you might really know what it’s like

May 29, 2008

A few people have pointed to some of my older posts on digg and suggested that I am a hypocrite or a bad person in general. Case in point:

In response to a woman who merely said she “needed to go to the gym” in a comment on a story about the 50 hottest women in sports, I lashed out and said:

“yeah you do you fattie. i’m sick of people like you running around complaining about the double standards and that models starve themselves, etc., when you’re just a lazy sow that needs to quit eating bonbons all day on the couch and quit sucking down penises and claiming “oh, i did something nice so I can be fat now” instead of riding on it like you’re insane, but you can’t because you wheeze from all the smoking and the donuts in your gut… your heart is probably the equivalent of a 45 year old man’s heart because it gets overworked and u need your thetans checked. just saying…”

Now I can understand how that may come off as offensive, but before you judge me I hope you will give me the opportunity to explain. When I made that comment I had just lost in the semi-final round of a dungeons and dragons tournament at my local card shop. I know what you’re thinking… but you’re wrong. This wasn’t just any card shop, this was in fact the largest card shop in the entire state of South Dakota. Now I won’t name names, but I’m sure you already know what one that is if you are a magic the gathering or D&D aficionado.

After struggling and fighting my way into the semis I was felled by a fucking cheating piece of shit who I later found out was letting the dungeon master take pictures of him sans shirt for “fun.” Now I think we all know that I was hoodwinked here and that the whole game was against me from the moment I entered the lair. No matter how the dice came up, it always ended up with me getting randomly attacked and targeted despite the fact that I was not the tank and my character had specifically been rolled to use stealth and distance to its advantage. HMMM?

So when this lady suggested that she needed to lose weight, I got sick and tired of all the people yelling and of all the bullshit I have to put up with, and I simply lost control of my emotions and laid into her. I apologize again, because it was uncalled for.

Enough Ramen Noodles

May 29, 2008

A kind fellow in Digg named zionKing posted a kind little note for me.  He offered me compassion:

I replied to him with the following:

When I woke up this morning I had two things on my mind:
1) Do I have enough ramen noodles to get me through the day, or will I have to venture out to the grocery store and have small children mock me and point at me and say “wow that guy is fat” right before being shushed by their parents. Do I have enough ramen to save me from the stares, the laughs, the downright humiliation I have to face every time I leave the basement that I make my home.
2) When will God cure me? When will that piece of shit motherfucker in the sky decide that he’s had enough fun at my expense? When will he turn off the faucets and when will he turn his fucking wrath to somebody evil, rather than beat down an already tortured and thoroughly trodden soul?

This morning I woke and found that I had enough ramen to get me through the day. This was a good day. Tomorrow, who knows… tomorrow maybe the noodles will be gone and I will have to make my way through the thin aisles at the store. Tomorrow maybe I will go to the super Wal-Mart and everybody will see me in my puffed out diaper-covering sheets. Maybe tomorrow I will get in my car and the already-damaged suspension will finally give way and the neighbors will laugh as my car falls on its side.

Maybe tomorrow I will make a change… maybe tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of my life. Maybe tomorrow there will be enough Ramen.

What is hyperhydrosis? (baby don’t hurt me)

May 29, 2008

A lot of people have messaged me and accused me of inventing this condition I suffer from, which in the circles I frequent and jerk at, is known as HYPERHYDROSIS. If you’ll take a look over at WikiPedia the lie box, you’ll see some interesting stuff about the condition. I would imagine you can find that page at something like

As you can see, I did not make my condition up, and it is in fact an affliction that myself and many other big boned folks suffer from. But I wasn’t always fat. When I was thin I started suffering from this disease, and the social shame I suffered as a result is what took me down the path to where I am today — a fat loser.

If you will again kindly divert your attention, you will find a very interesting video on the subject of hyperhydrosis which my good friend sockpuppets did post on Youtube, as he is a doctor and a good friend of mine and he wanted to help me shed light on my condition:

I got Dugg

May 29, 2008

This all started a few months ago when I posted the following:

Later somebody posted a story about it here:

Finally, If you will kindly direct your attention to: you will see that I got Dugg after I thought this had all blown over.

I’ve been receive several shouts from people wishing me well, a few mocking my weight and other health issues, and even a couple potential employment opportunities! Seems I’m not such a fat loser after all. If you would like to hire me I would like to take money from you to buy a variety of pastries as well as move out of the basement I currently live in. Are you hiring? Check out my resume and, if interested, leave a message for me here and we can talk about how I can take money from you and not have to do much in return.