Enough Ramen Noodles

A kind fellow in Digg named zionKing posted a kind little note for me.  He offered me compassion:


I replied to him with the following:


When I woke up this morning I had two things on my mind:
1) Do I have enough ramen noodles to get me through the day, or will I have to venture out to the grocery store and have small children mock me and point at me and say “wow that guy is fat” right before being shushed by their parents. Do I have enough ramen to save me from the stares, the laughs, the downright humiliation I have to face every time I leave the basement that I make my home.
2) When will God cure me? When will that piece of shit motherfucker in the sky decide that he’s had enough fun at my expense? When will he turn off the faucets and when will he turn his fucking wrath to somebody evil, rather than beat down an already tortured and thoroughly trodden soul?

This morning I woke and found that I had enough ramen to get me through the day. This was a good day. Tomorrow, who knows… tomorrow maybe the noodles will be gone and I will have to make my way through the thin aisles at the store. Tomorrow maybe I will go to the super Wal-Mart and everybody will see me in my puffed out diaper-covering sheets. Maybe tomorrow I will get in my car and the already-damaged suspension will finally give way and the neighbors will laugh as my car falls on its side.

Maybe tomorrow I will make a change… maybe tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of my life. Maybe tomorrow there will be enough Ramen.

2 Responses to “Enough Ramen Noodles”

  1. SkinnyBitch Says:

    Beautifully poetic

  2. Maddie Says:

    Ramen actually isn’t good for you at all… Way too many calories for such a small amount of food. Make stir-fry out of fresh vegetables, it’s yummy AND the calories aren’t too bad if you don’t dump a shitload of oil on it. Ramen is the devil. Cheap and tasty though it may be, it IS the devil. Repent, sinner!

    Sorry. I fail at comments.

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